Monday, October 02, 2006

Fucking US Government Kill Joy Bastards

OK, so not related to erotica but it does affect me so it's relevant.

Because some legislators in the US government have decided that people in the US are too immature to gamble online they have removed the ability for US citizens to bet.

The net affect of this to me personally is that today I've had the equivalent of over $500,000 wiped off my net worth. Not $500 or $5000 but FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND FUCKING dollars.

It really makes me sick that some neo-Conservative, Right Wing arseholes who probably haven't had a hard on since the last time someone got executed, think they know best about how people can spend their money. Why the hell can't get their kicks from teenage boys like the rest do.

Over here (and in most of the world), betting on sports or poker is totally legal. Visa and MasterCard don't give a fuck, they make millions from gaming as do the banks. But not in the US. Anyway, what the fuck has online gambling have to do with the security of US ports. I'll tell you, NOTHING!!

Next Door Nikki - Strip Poker


(a much poorer) EE


Shay said...

So they just took it away?!
That sounds VERY unfair!

Cigamybab said...

Was sup U Have Been listed @
Adult Blogger Blogs

A Link back would be Appreciated

Thanks Cigamybab

P.s Yes Shay is does

P.s.s Down With the US Government Kill Joy Bastards

Anonymous said...


Al Sensu said...

Yes, our government has reached a new zenith of hypocrisy. Sorry.